Silence, I Kill you!!
Luati la tata si sa nu va mai aud de acum incolo, nu de alta daaaaar chiar a fost munca si migala iar modelul a suferit niste arsuri din cauza adezivului ;-)) Sa nu credeti ca am ceva cu Photoshop-ul dar am spus si o voi spune mereu, incercati sa fiti creativi pana in clipa in care ajungeti in fotoliu in fata computerului si folositi PS-ul nu pentru a va salva imaginile si sedintele foto 😉
Trebuie sa va spun ca eu cu Nikon am avut si am inca relatia perfecta Nu m-a dezamagit niciodata. Avem o relatie atat de perfecta incat si maine i-as cere mana Si apropo’ a aflat si de “amanta” cea noua, de Olympus OM-D E-M10 stie ca din cand in cand o scot la cate o plimbarica dar tot ma iubeste ;-)) Hahahaha!
Sambata seara Street Delivery 2014, intalnire cu DL pentru a ne imbratzisa, poza, si testa (eu) Samyang 7,5mm. Din pacate acesta nu este un fotoreportaj ca la carte, a fost un moment de relaxare in care am urmarit niste clipe de relaxare si atat… Un reportaj ca la carte se face cu sudoare, se bazeaza pe, unde, cand, cum, de ce si se folosesc minim 3 obiective Efectiv am luat-o razna pe campie si nu am putut da jos Samyang-ul
Vasile DOROLTI si Mihai GRIGORESCU te invita sa participi la
ATELIERUL DE FOTOGRAFIE ce se va desfasura in perioada 6 – 9 iunie 2014
in 3 sate renumite pentru potentialul lor in acest sens, de pe Valea Izei, Maramures.
Nikon a anuntat astazi ca patru din produsele sale au primit prestigioasele premiiTIPA 2014 (Technical Image Press Association), distinctii ce se alatura celor 3 premii red dot castigate in aprilie pentru Nikon Df, Nikon D5300 si binoclul ACULON T51.
Costică Acsinte (1897–1984) was a one of Romania’s most prolific war photographers. After he was discharged in 1920, he opened a photographic studio in the southern side of Romania, in the small but, as you will see, vibrant town of Slobozia.
During the rest of his life, he took more than 5.000 photographs that were donated to the Ialomița County Museum by his family. According to Romanian law, the entirety of his work is now public domain.
My name is Cezar Popescu. First of all, I’m a photographer too. Out of passion for this art and considering the huge historical value, I decided to digitize all of Mr. Acsinte’s work, financing the beginning of this initiative out of my own pocket. I have scanned around 1.500 glass plates by now out of a total of 5.000 and counting.
However, there’s only so much I can achieve by myself. I managed to cover all the digitization costs by myself, around 2.000€ to be more precise (here you can take a look at the expenses). Talk about putting my money where my passion lies.
The problem arises when it comes to the photographic glass plates. They need special conditions to be properly archived and stored in order to preserve their increasing historical value. That’s where you come in.
According to ISO 18902 (Imaging materials — Processed imaging materials — Albums, framing and storage materials) the optimum conditions to store photographic plates require very low temperatures, low humidity and special materials (acid free, buffered, four flaps envelopes, boxes with metaly enforced corners and then some). As you can imagine, this is way out of my range of possibilities.
That’s why I need all the help I can get. Together we can save a gateway towards a long forgotten time when life used to be so much simpler.
In terms of costs,
For years, the plates have been stored in open air, which has lead to their destruction almost to the point of no return. These pictures represent a visual part of the region’s history like none other and deserve to be stored for generations to come.
Team of workers send by Malaxa to temporary work in Slobozia — 29th of April, 1945
Life and fashion of January 1940
Until now, Mr. Acsinte’s work has been viewed by over 4 million people as part of the Flickr the Commons program.
Also, the story of this remarkable man’s life has been featured in TIME, Daily Mail, NY Times, Chicago Tribune and more.
Full review and focus tests with SONY a6000 – a beautiful dream by Alin Popescu aici
“Dragobetele saruta fetele”
Expozitie de fotografie
Denumita si „Cap de primavara”, „Sant Ion de primavara” sau „logodnicul pasarilor”, Dragobetele aduce bucurie si apropiere, zambete si buna dispozitie. Este o sarbatoare a dragostei, momentul cand natura se trezeste, iar oamenii intra in rezonanta cu ea.
Data: sambata 15 februarie 2014
Ora de intalnire: 12.45
Loc de intalnire: Statia de metrou Obor, afara in fata la Mc Donald’s Bucur Obor (more…)
vă invită să începeţi luni, 20 ianuarie 2014, de la ora 18,
O iniţiere în Fotografie cu Dan Mititelu.
– a XVIII-a ediţie –
Se organizează 20 de întâlniri de câte două ore, în fiecare zi de luni şi joi, între orele 18 şi 20. (more…)
Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !Sarbatori Fericite !
Acum, la sfarsitul lui 2013, avem o bucurie pentru cei care indragesc fotografia de strada, vom sarbatori si anul acesta “Ziua Fotografiei de strada” cu premii si expozitie de fotografie.
Olympus Romania, pionierul aparatelor de tip mirrorless care in zilele noastre ne rasfata cu aparate de top, va oferi premiile concursului: (more…)
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