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The publishing company is currently preparing the next edition of its title 100 Fine Art Photographers to be published in the series of books titled Who’s Who in Visual Art. 100 Fine Art photographers offers orientation and a clearly defined selection of protagonists of contemporary fine art photography. The book is going to be published in the first quarter of 2013.
Based on a careful survey of several sources, including the world wide web, and other hard copy books and catalogues, I contact you herewith as I would be very glad to win you over for inclusion in this one of a kind volume!
We have again revised the layout and concept of the book. So for a better look and feel we increased the size of the book to the more attractive format of 19 x 21 cm. To optimize the sententiousness of the accompanying text we have decided to precede each text with a brief artistic statement written by the artist himself.
The book will come as a comprehensive bilingual book to enhance its marketability and to guarantee the distribution in all German- and English-speaking countries worldwide, following an international trend on the book market.
It is limited to only 100 entries, which are assigned Whois numbers 1 to 100.
The biographical part about your artistic work also includes your web address, which enables the user of the book to contact you directly.
Since the publication of the first issue of Who’s Who in Visual Art in 2006, we have received more and more wonderful and positive feedback via telephone, letter and email. Increasingly, artists whose works have been featured in the different issues tell us about their success as a direct result of our publications. Find a few feedbacks at
Cover and sample entry (draft)
Draft of cover and two pages inside as example of Option 4: basic entry (left) + 3 full-pages additional samples work (right)
Entry information:
Option 1
Basic entry (1 full page incl. text and image): 253 Euro (instead of the full 500 Euro)
Option 2
Extended entry (includes 2 full pages): basic entry + additional page with one full-frame additional sample of your work: 345 Euro
Option 3
Extended entry (includes 3 full pages): basic entry + 2 additional pages with full-frame additional samples of your work: 425 Euro
Option 4
Extended entry (includes 4 full pages): basic entry + 3 additional pages with full-frame additional samples of your work: 498 Euro
If you would like to accept my offer, please fill in the email form at and send it back to us.
After receiving the form, we will also ask you to provide your biographical information (in English) and the necessary printable images. The publisher will commission the translation into German.
Payment: Your entry becomes binding upon payment of a first instalment of 50% of the total amount.
Extra Benefit: You will receive a free copy after publication and up to 10 bargain copies for 18 Euro each. (expected retail price: 25 Euro)
Publication date: 2013
Distribution: The books are available via ISBN and VLB Listing in all bookshops in German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), as well as worldwide in English-speaking countries via Nielsen Book Services Ltd. and Bowker UK Listing, at Amazon and
Presentation at the Frankfurt and the Leipzig Book Fair.
Format: 19 x 21 cm. Pages: approx. 220. Book cover: hardcover. Contents: illustration printing paper with matt coating, 150g/qm.
Initial print run (planned): 2,500
For your application fill in the email form at and send it back to us.
Please send us a short message, even if you do not want to be listed in our publication, so that we can re-assign your Whois number.
With kind regards,
Ulrich Goette Himmelblau
Recent edition available at amazon:
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