Feedback: Om nebun, ma ametesti! Fotografiile tale respira si mananca din mine simultan. Citesc in ele. Nu sunt doar inghetari ale unor contururi, nu sunt simple neculori. Sunt carti! Ma uit la ele si citesc! Atata nelume vie vad, de-mi vine sa m-acopar si sa ma descopar deopotriva. Sunt lupte in tot corpul meu flamand de frumos. Si ma uit la ele si ma uit pe mine. Si parca nu-mi ajunge… Sunt nesatula, as zice. Trag concluzia finala: Imi eternizezi fiinta si mi-o pui in rama. Multumesc! Multumesc din suflet, pentru vorbele frumoase! Nudul a fost - si este - un subiect extrem de abordat si de studiat in arta plastica si in fotografie; exista senzationale picturi murale cu nuduri si pe zidurile de la Pompei, facute in anul 79 i.Hr.; fotografia de nud a aparut inca din 1840, fiind facuta in stilul clasic al acelor timpuri. Multumesc mult boierule! Moonlight ….. elegant dance of light and shadow.. vibrant sensuality.. mistery..
Catre zilele noastre, marii artisti au descris extrem de plastic si de sugestiv acest minunat univers al imaginii de nud; nu pot sa uit ce spunea Auguste Renoir - grija lui fundamentala era sa picteze nudurile ca si cum ar fi fost vorba de splendide fructe.
Marele estetician Sir Kenteth Clark spunea ca "nudul pur si simplu nu reprezinta corpul, ci se refera, prin analogie, la toate structurile care au devenit parte a experientei noastre imaginative", iar Rumi spunea la 1200 "ce este corpul? Acea umbra a unei umbre a iubirii tale, care poate contine uneori intregul univers”
Cunoscutul dadaist si suprarealist Max Ernst scria foarte serios ca “nuditatea femeii este mai înteleapta decat invataturile filosofului" Parcurgand superbele imagini din expozitie, vedem imediat ca Narcis Virgiliu face din fotografie mai mult decat un
mod de a fi, edificand un arc mult deasupra unui simplu mod profesional de abordare a imaginii; el cauta sa gaseasca raspunsuri vizuale la intrebari evident esentiale, folosind alta cale decat simpla logica a formei ori complicata intuitie a luminii.
La urma urmei, a cauta este totul - a merge dincolo de ceea ce putem sti sau intelege. Si rezultatul cautarilor este condensat, in imaginea realizata de Narcis, in emotia generata de intelegerea umbrelor aproape muzicale si a luminilor directe care creeaza un univers aparte; este suma lucrurilor care, pe masura ce credem ca le simtim, ca le intelegem, ca le vedem, ne dam seama ca ne duc mereu dincolo de alt univers, ca o omniprezenta Fata Morgana.
Cand este vorba de astfel de imagini atat de mult gandite si asa bine realizate, intelegem fotografiile lui Narcis Virgiliu ca simboluri complicate, care au nu numai rolul de a ajuta la a ilumina o parte din penumbra senzatiilor noastre necunoscute, ci si de a servi, de asemenea, la catifelarea temerilor care de prea multe ori insotesc calatoriile sufletului nostru de la cunoscut la necunoscut.
Hoyos robin me encantaria poder retocar alguna de sus fotos tiene usted un excelente trabajo y para mi seria una oportunidad el poder realizar alguna de sus fotos saludos cordiales desde Santa Cruz Bolivia Atte Robin Hoyos Morales
Lawson Tony Hi Narcis, I have fallen in love with some of your photos and wondered if you would let me choose one of them to feature in one of IndieGuild’s upcoming “Sound & Vision” publication on the website. IndieGuild is a totally NON-commercial, ad-free website dedicated to the promotion of independent music and with this extra “Sound & Vision” rubric where we put together a great piece of artwork with a suitable soundtrack from one of our artists. Obviously we will credit you with the artwork and link your name back to your website here or wherever you prefer. This is a totally non-commercial proposition designed exclusively to bring some extra visibility to your artwork and some extra beauty to our website. If you want to take a look at how it works, here is a link to the “Sound & Vision” archives: Hope to hear from you soon and kudos for your work! Tony
irina dragomir Buna ziua,
Numele meu este Irina Dragomir si va scriu din partea institutiei pe care o reprezint-Oficiul Roman pentru Adoptii. Dupa cum reiese si din titulatura institutiei domeniul nostru de activitate vizeaza adoptia in Romania. Puteti gasi mai multe informatii despre noi pe siteul .
Pentru ca incercam sa imbunatatim situatia copiilor fara parinti din Romania si pentru ca este nevoie de cat mai multe familii dornice sa ii adopte dorim sa lansam o campanie de promovare a adoptiei care implica si realizarea a 3 postere .
Am fi extrem de bucurosi daca ne-ati putea sprijini la realizarea fotografiilor (3 fotografii de studio) care vor fi folosite pentru postere. Din pacate, spre deosebire de alti ani, acum nu ne permitem sa va recompensam financiar pentru munca dumneavoastra, dar speram ca situatia copiior fara parinti sa va sensibilizeze si sa va determine sa acceptati solicitarea noastra de a ne sprijini pro bono.
Daca sunteti interesat si doriti informatii suplimentare, va rog sa nu ezitati sa ma contactati.
O zi frumosa!
Ioan Daniel Rosu M-am uitat astazi pe indelete pe fotografiile tale.Ce sa mai spun.Tot ce trebuia s-a spus.Ce cuvinte sa mai caut in dictionar sa exprim aprecierea muncii tale.Maestru.Si inca ceva:Avem 2 lucruri in comun.Varsta si pasiunea pentru fotografie.Am salvat site-ul si-s cu ochii-n 4.Toate bune.
Madalina Baratu Buna Narcis, as vrea sa stiu daca ai nevoie de modele pentru sedinte foto,fie ele si nud pentru ca eu una am nevoie de poze noi si mi-ar placea sa fie facute de tine.Noi am mai lucrat impreuna pentru un calendar odata.Multumesc anticipat
sonia meziat excelent shots, art-work–thank you!
marius florescu buna seara,
ma numesc marius florescu, sunt din iasi si nu inainte de a-ti scrie aceasta scrisoare, as dori sa te felicit pentru imaginile realizate dar mai ales continutul acestora. crede-ma ca am ramas profund impresionat de astfel de imagini si totodata as dori sa vin cu o rugaminte si anume cum pot face posibil sa ne vedem o data si sa stabilim o discutie impreuna cu privire la anumite imagini legat de avort.
te rog sa-mi acorzi o sansa si astept cu nerabdare un raspuns din partea ta. adresa de e-mail e:, tel:0746893041
multumesc anticipat,
cele bune, marius florescu
p.s. astept un raspuns daca esti amabil.
Ioana D. Va felicit si va doresc multe succese.
Railean Viorel Buna ziua
Am gasit pe net o persoana, care fura pozele Dvs si le expune din numele sau.
Cu respect,
Viorel Railean
Aguilera Ismael Hi,
I am student who is taking black and white photography for the first time and I am falling in love with the art.
I researching to see what could my style be what drives me and I stumbled on one of your works which is inspiring me to dig deeper within myself to find meaning and passion in which I shall try to capture on film.
Thank you,
Albert . Hi,
One of your great photos was stolen! Please check out! In think you have the copyright!
Best regards, Albert
Vlach Josef I think you should know about this (if you don’t know already)
adrian mandea am primit link la pagina ta de la o prietena comuna si vreau doar sa spun ca imaginile tale sunt geniale.stiu ca nu te ajuta cu nimic asta dar ….
felicitari, sper sa ajung candva la asa nivel
Ionel Lupu mi-a placut foarte mult site-ul…. datorita materialelor….deosebit
Chiriac Corin Domnule,
ce faceti dumneavoastra e minunat. Conceptual, cred ca sunteti cel mai matur fotograf pe care l-am vazut in spatiul public romanesc.
Eu inca imi mai astept R2A ul de la reparat. Of, R4A + Nokton 1.1…
Stoian Andreea Foarte frumoase pozele , toata complimentele din partea mea mirifice 😀 bravo . Esti primul fotograf care mia placut fiecare poza 😀
Tine- o tot asa !
Alexa C. Hei…. ceea ce vezi aici te face sa crezi ca ti-ai ratat existenta, te face sa te apuci de…nu stiu…strungarit?!? E altceva, e de calitate, e frumos, te face sa iti pierzi timpul, dar cu folos. E ca o evadare. Pe scurt: e altceva! Alexa
Culhane Patrick One thing to say :
Pure class
Eugenia M. Dear Narcis,
Your website is tremendous! I really enjoyed your avant garde photography and beautifully stirring images.
I handle marketing for the website, which exhibits fine art paintings of lesbian erotica. The artist Irvin Bomb has a mixture of erotic pin-up/sapphic nude portraiture and fine art on his site. All in the name of fine art and the appreciation of the female form.
We would be very interested in being added to the list of highly prestigious sites you link to on your site, in exchange we would link back to your site.
Please view what we are doing at:
We would be open to hear your thoughts and idea’s on how we might work together in some way.
Hope this e-mail finds you happy and well and please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Thanks for your consideration!
Eugenia Miriam Borkowski
Lefebvre Jean Briilliant use of shawdows and light to reveal woman as the vessels of life.
Some exploitive depictions not so well done.
Nicole stracci Invitation
I have pleasure to invite you to a brand new photo service. From now on you can visit our sites and register, and of course put in your photos.
Explore the new place! Show your works to other people!
Victor Popescu Foarte bine realizat siteul.Nota 10+
Pozele, Jos Palaria Dle.Narcis
Salutari de la MVphotomag ( Free .PDF Photography Magazine )
Stewart Robert Hi Narcis,
This is Rob from over at – we’ve exchanged links for a couple years now. I’ve just launched an erotica review website at and was wondering if you’d be interested in a link exchange there as well. Take a look if you have a moment and let me know what you think!
Yuri Marfil i would like to know if you are able to come to cancun-mexico
to make a seminary and also if you speak spañish.
thank you
yuri marfil
Popa Camelia La multi ani!!!
Stanislav E Dubitsky Hi! My name is Stanislove. I’m young poet and photographer.
I saw your works and was impressed. Could you check out with a little pack of my works, i think you’ll enjoy them.
If i’ll be right – i want to get your opinion about them…very much ))
That’s my first handmade gallery in the web-
About me^-
Stanislav E. Dubitsky
Age: 24
Home Phone: 810 (916) 5883968
I’ve been shooting for five years.
All my works are made without using photoshop or other programs.
They’re based on the conception of new ism in the art – CATA.
(crisis alternative transcendental art)
The essence of the concept is in the art work with extremely deep immersion into the object,
including object of author’s soul too.
In this ism photographer gets into the world of usual objects and shoots them from within
or from a very short distance using a lot of varies of illumination.
And we get many pictures of usual real objects in unusual fantastic view as the result…
photographer creates new world of images on the basis of dead reality and live light.
CATA also includes art works in the poetry.
Publications and awards
International Zoom Magazine (Russian version) – debut with gallery – february 2007
International Zoom Magazine (Russian version) – Macro contest winner – may 2006
Mestecaneanu Serban Felicitari pentru fotografii care ies din tiparul majoritatii fotografilor cu un studio asa performant ca al tau, si care dau dovada si de sensibilitate.
Sunt invidios, dar e un sentiment constructiv.
Williams Pat I liked your site.
Mihai Grigorescu Ar fi si ar trebui multe de spus. N-as vrea sa plictisesc. Multe deja s-au scris. Si se vor mai scrie cu siguranta. Am sa ma rezum la aprecierea imaginatiei, fanteziei, inventivitatii si toate acestea dublate de o tehnica stapanita cu mare maiestrie.
Felicitarile mele domnule !
Helen Sati I liked your pictures very much and would like some info in order to realise photos of me (glamour, artistic an erotic nude) for a personal project.
I live in Belgium
Thank you !
Laurentiu Sandu Imi cer scuze ca deranjez,numele meu este Laurentiu Sandu sunt un novice in domeniul fotografiei,am scris acest mail cu cea mai mica speranta de a putea lucra cu dumneavoastra (ca asistent fara salariu sau alte implicatii financiare), deoarece pe acest site am vazut cred ca cele mai frumoase fotografii si expresive.Va multumesc si astept un mesaj de la dumneavoastra !
Gilorteanu Matei Sincer, mi se par extraordinare fotografiile. Felicitari! Eu sunt un pasionat al fotografiei dar ma aflu la inceput. Inca invat…Mult succes!
Lux Noir Amazing work!!
I featured your work on my blog:
Greetings from Buenos Aires.
Djurovic Branimir Dear Mr.Virgiliu,
I have stumbled accross one of your amazing photographs \”Original Sin\” at one of the photography websites. I cannot say I am into photography but was amazed by your work. To cut the story short, I would like to have this photo in my living room, but the price is kind of expensive to be honest, therefore is there a possibility to have some discount, i was gonna ask if i can get the file but then I remembered that thats of a great risk to your future sales, so if you can suggest an alternative solution it would be greatly appreciated. The piece of art is a must get for me Regards,
Kata Kata Buna,sunt Catalina fata care a pozat ptr calendarul de la rom hire,(blonda cu parul mai scurt):P mi-ai dat cartea de vizita ptr eventuale intrat pe site am vazut pozele tale sunt super imi plac foarte mult.M-ar interesa sa-mi fac un book daca mi-ai spune cam ce preturi ai…nu foarte multe poze.Si inca o mare rugaminte te rog mult de tot daca pot intra in posesia macar a catorva poze care le-am facut in studio,te rog mult mult mult!!!Astept raspunsul tau in legatura cu pozele,book-ul care vreau sa-l fac. Ms frumos !
Frank Morris Hi,
I would like to exchange links with your site.
My site is:
Ivonne Ivy Salut ,
Am vizionat prezentarea ta de pe site si mi s-au parut super pozele
M-ar interesa o sedinta foto undeva o combinatie intre erotic si fashion !
Daca se poate un replay cu preturi si alte detalii ar fi super ,Si ca si numar de fotografii as vrea intre 10-12 !
O zi buna incontinuare
Laurentiu Cenusa Salut, Am gasit site-ul tau pe net. Foarte frumos portofoliu. Felicitari !
pantelimonescu tudor am gasit o poza de-a ta aici
Alex Expressions Dear Narcis,
I started photography about 2 years ago and now I am trying to enhance the quality of my work. Since I am not financially in good position I could not afford to take any courses so I am contacting master photographers like you to spend a short moment (if possible) to take a look at my website: and tell me what I need to do to improve my work.
Please let me know if any comments or guidance to enhance to quality of my work.
from Canada
Dorand Alex
mystique_anny ani hi, i’d like to be made a professional book by you…:D
Brito Paulo Can i use a photo on my blog?
Tomasz Jankowski Hello,
My name is Tomasz Jankowski. I am polish amateur photographer.
Lately, my photos were featured on and there I saw samples of your beautiful photography.
Professionally, I am web designer and graphics designer.
I was wondering if you considering a new website design for your outstanding photographic portfolio?
It would be a pleasure for me to design such project for you.
Here are some website examples I designed:
Kim Taylor Dear Narcis
I ran across your photos on a blog and followed the link to your
website at I would very much like to
do a story on you and your work for 180 magazine.
If you’re interested please drop me a line.
Kim Taylor
editor, 180
Alexandra Laura Superbe fotografii… Am doar o intrebare: Pozele sunt facute pe film? Sau pe digital?
Fotografia este pasiunea mea si de aceea mi-as dori sa ajung asa departe ca dumneavoastra….
Inca o data o zic: superbe… Aveti respectele mele!
Gabriel Lungu Buna ziua Virgiliu,
Mi-a luat ceva timp sa ma hotarasc sa-ti scriu. Comunic pe mail cu Robert Farnham, de ceva timp, pentru ca am o slabiciune pt. fotografiile lui.
I-am spus ca este destul de greu sa incropesti un studio foto aici si ca mai bine este sa gasesti pe cineva langa care sa lucrezi pana poti prinde contur ca fotograf.
Si mi-a dat ideea asta…
“Since you are in Romania, you should ask Virgiliu if he needs an apprentice. He is very talented. I don’t know if he is in Bucharest.”
Despre mine nu pot sa-ti spun decat ca sunt un tip care iubeste fotografia si in special nudul si “fine art”. Am 28 de ani si vreau sa-mi fac o cariera din fotografie.
Sunt dispus sa fac multe sacrificii pt. a invata si pentru a sta pe langa un profesionist.
Cred ca ai primit multe astfel de mail-uri si nu vreau sa il consideri deplasat.
Poate poti sa-mi dai un sfat sau sa-mi spui cate ceva despre cum sa ma focalizez pe asta.
Multumesc mult
Gabriel LUNGU
roccatagliata roberto i like to see fotogallery woman naked
Michael Harris I was browsing your port at – very impressive – and I had a couple questions.
For this photo:
were you using a ringflash? Can you tell me what lighting setup you used?
For this photo:
What did you use to achieve that circular hard edged light from above?
Many thanks for your time!
— Michael
Thomas Glaser Dear Narcis Virgiliu,
For a new erotic art project we are looking for artists such as Photographers, Painters etc. who want to offer and sell their artworks exclusiv at “”.
The idea is to offer limited editions art prints which are exclusiv available at “”. We are planing to offer 1 or 2 sizes of each artwork, which is limited to 75 – 150 pieces. In some special cases we offer “Open Editions” as well.
Each artwork will be printed by “fine art imaging” on Hahnemühle digital fine art papers.
There are not costs for you if your artworks are already available as digital files.
If you are interested to learn more about this idea, please don´t hestitate to contact me and perhaps send some samples of your artworks.
Hope to hear soon
Thomas Glaser
Fine art imaging
Ewigman Bernard I don’t see any prices or any way to purchase photos. I am very interested in the nude with the woman holding the egg.
Your photography is fabulous and among my favorite.
ricard orta soler enhorabuena por tu trabajo, he descubierto tu web en un libro llamado erotic webs.
un abrazo.
ricard orta
Pepelea Anca buna ziua,
as dori sa realizez un interviu cu dvs. pentru publicatie de tineret .
interviul va fi online, eu trimit intrebarile, dvs. raspunsurile si eventual revin cu intrebari suplimentare daca e cazul, pentru anumite detalii.
v-am ales pe dvs. pentru ca sunteti tanar, ati fotografiat atat oameni cat si lucruri, sunteti profesionist si, daca imi e ingaduit, nonconformist.
in cazul in care doriti, va rog sa ma contactati,
multumesc pentru atentie,
anca pepelea
Freeman Joey I would like to inquire about prices for your photography. I am interested in two photographs. The first one I am interested in is the photograph showing the woman cupping the egg. It is the fifth one from the left on the website. The other one that interests me is the photograph of the woman embracing the lighted ball. Your work is very imaginative. I like it very much.
Joey Freeman
Pentilescu manina manina Sunt absolut superbe. Le stiu de multa vreme si le admir.
Iti urez numai noroc si modele la fel de frumoase.Nu as schimba nimic la nici una dintre ele. E prea frumos sa fie adevarat…Sincer, nu cred sa mai faca cineva asa ceva la ora actuala in tara noastra.Succes in viata.
Marin Francis Très belles photos!!!L\’erotisme y est subtile et loin de la pornographie.
Par contre :\”le mhyte de sysiphe\”?Quel rapport avec l\’erotisme?Il signifie l\’eternel recommencement non?
Skuba Andy Hello!
My name is Andy; I am an owner of new Photography Directory website which was opened to public on Oct.24.06 .Following a link from one of link submitters I found your website. What I can say? Amazing pictures. To do that kind of art you must be very talented photographer. I wish you best successes in your business and private life.
As a link directory owner I added your link in my website.
This is your detail page:
Best regards
Eva . Hi,
I am WebMaster of,
I have visited your site very very beautifull!
I have inserted your link in my pages, but I would insert some your images and your biography on my site
and I’d like dedicate you one page to be know by Italian people.
If you want please to visit the vernissage section
Thank you
Sorry my bad english
Nicolas Sharon Je désir travailler avec des photographes pro pour que je puisse découvrir leurs art et me faire bonnifié, débutante avec quelques expériences protrait et nue J’espère une réponce négative ou possitive me fera plaisir. Bien à vous. Sharon.
orhan surkentli very nice pics..very nice congratulate….
Carson Zullinger Wonderfully designed work. Great ideas!
Zullinger Carson
Ruth Varillas Good afternoon Mr. Virgiliu,
I´m writting you from the spanish edition of the international magazine FHM,
I´m the Picture Editor, Ruth Varillas.
Congratulations for your work. I have seen your web and I like it very much!
I´m getting in contact with you because our section named “Erotique”. Every
month we dedicate this section (two pages) to an erotic photographic
artistic book or to an erotic photographer (Helmut Newton, Andreas
Bitesnich….). Here I attach you our last Erotique.
I have seen some of your pictures (sorry because of my english 😉 and I
think they could be interesting for publishing in some of our Erotique´s
This section is composed by 5 or 6 pictures with an interview to the author
an a little review about the book. It´s very cool.
We have seen your web and I really like. We would like to dedicate you our
October erotique´s pages.
If you could send me in low res a selection of you favourite pictures for
taking a look it would be great! We would select the six that fit better and
I would ask you in high-res
I don´t have a lot of time…really I´m on deadline !!!
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks for your help and your time,
Ruth Varillas Fernández
Picture Editor
Paseo de la Castellana 129,1º
28046 Madrid
Tfno.: +34 91 597 30 90
Fax: +34 91 597 23 26
Y GM Hello,
I like your pictures and I have a blog here:
I see it as a gallery of fine nude art leading to various galleries of
great artists.
There are always links to the galleries of the owners of the copyright
– or at least to the place where I found them.
Is it ok with you to blog some of your stuff there?
If it’s ok with you, I might put them to my flickr account and
substitute the link to the pic but leave the link to the gallery as it is.
That way, it would not use any of your bandwidth.
Should I leave it in flickr as private or private – friends only in that case?
If it ‘s ok with you in general, would you also like to be listed on my
flickr profile or prefer not to be on there?
Best regards
Troels Palner Dear Narcis Virgiliu,
While surfing, I found your website and I must say I like it
I just wonder if you have any interest of exchanging link with our
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Troels Palner,
Hejrevej 39, 1 sal
2400 Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel: +0045 38321000
Eugene K Hello,
I saw your work on I think it’s fantastic.
I would like to hang some of your pictures for a period of time in my bar/lounge that I am building (located in New York City.) I would like to have artistic nudes exhibits rotating at the place.
If you do not object to the concept, please let me know your terms and requirements.
Thank you,
jarrar khaled I am from Palestine and i am working as a graphic designer and i love taking pictures very much so all what i need is some help from you .
jarrar khaled
Flori Flori dragutz rau site-ul…imi place….din intamplare am ajuns pe site-ul tau…si mi-am dat seama ca esti fotograful care m-a pozat pe mine si Oana in luna iulie…kiss….inca odata este superb siteul si poze de calitate.
Stanescu Vlad Cosmin As dori sa stiu si eu daca exista vreo posibilitate sa devin asistent la studioul dumneavoastra. Astept cu nerabdare un raspuns. Multumesc anticipat.
Dutu Gabriel Splendid ! Mai rar artisti promovati datorita exclusiv talentului si nu … altor servicii. Felicitari din nordul tarii si va asteptam pe aici pentru a imortaliza frumusetile patriei si de prin nord, va garantez ca aveti ce fotografia, inspiratie vad ca aveti si putere de munca…in rest va urez multa, multa sanatate !
Daniel Bauer Dear Narcis,
I am professional art photographer and I recently had a very good idea that I am realizing now. I am sure that it is of interest for you too.
It is one single web-page that unites 10’000 great high-res photos of nude women. Where ever the visitor clicks a new window opens, showing one large
nude photo as a sample of another website – e.g. from yours!
Please take two minutes time to read this e-mail. You will see, that this is not just another link list or thumbs gallery but a really innovative manner to attract many additional, interested visitors for your internet offerings.
A large scale photo of a nude woman is the only criteria that all the linked pages have in common. The ten thousand (!) photos will represent the
whole world of nudes in all of its varieties and that makes it unique.
Sensual photos of amateur and professional, unknown and celebrated models and photographers just a click away from samples of commercial websites and right
beside of exceptional pieces of erotic art – no system, no order, pure chaos:
every click another sensuous surprise.
With the time the page will become a metaphor for erotica on the internet and be a piece of art itself. Your internet pages are certainly well worth
seeing and form a very interesting part of this spectacular diversity and it is essential that you form a part of this project.
Of course it will take some time to fill the page, but as you can imagine the possibility to see so many so completely different pictures of nude women
will attract visitors aplenty. A lot of them will click to your website – if you place an ad now.
Have a look at the page:
additional information here:
and have the space for your ad reserved here:
till then, kind regards
Daniel Bauer
Spalenvorstadt 9
CH-4051 Basel (Switzerland)
phone: +41 61 262 10 12
A. B. Hello,
I would like to work for you.
Please take a minute of your time to visit my website. or
I am located in Israel
I do all of my work via the net. very simple and fast.
Thank you very much.
Miki Tudor Am vizitat unul dintre site-urile tale care m-a uimit !
Esti exceptional !
Apropo nu dai si lectii de fotografie ?
Cerin George Felicitari! Site, poze, simt artistic…
Poate considerati niste wallpaper-e branduite pt reclama. cu siguranta s-ar bucura multi.
Daca aveti timp, va invit sa-mi vizitati site-ul…
Podaru Elisabeta Elissa Dl. NARCIS VIRGIIU, cu respect as vrea sa va intreb, cum pot sa imi fac un set de fotografii la dumneavostra, contra cost.
Va rog sa-mi scuzati indrazneala si curajul.
Am sa completez formularul de casting, ca sa va pot trimite o fotografie . Multumesc !
Vitelaru Dana fotografii incredibile….imi plac la nebunie….toate felicitarile mele….
Adrian Hasmasan Buna, am gasit pagina ta de internet si m-au impresionat mult fotografiile, chiar sunt foarte bune, si eu vreau sa incep cu fotografia insa detin doar un canon A420. Am un frate la liceul de arta, are niste grafice frumoase, poate am putea colabora cumva sa-i pot promova creatiile. Multumesc mult si succes in continuare.
Juha Kivekas Very strong portfolio. You are an artist!
Paraschiv Claudiu Domnisoara Anna, mie imi pare foarte cunoscut, am auzit de dansul prima data in 2000 si de atunci tot aud ! :-)) Domnule Virgiliu ma uimiti placut la fiecare serie noua si va felicit cu ocazia aceasta ! Sa aveti spor !
Anna Roman Superb, incantator sper sa devina foarte cunoscut autorul fotografiilor… Este un geniu …
Anjali Oldfield Dear Virgiliu
I have just looked through some of your photos online and think they
are wonderful. Your fine art nude images in particular are
I am an artist by profession and have recently set up a website that
aims to make artwork more accessible to people by offering
professional and amateur photographs as canvas prints or as hand
painted artwork. We’re a small established business and wanted to
offer something different to the large stock photography providers
with a personal service for each customer.
The website is set up so that photographers can upload their own
images, set their own prices and manage their own accounts. You can
find more information about this on our website – . By all means have a
browse of the site, feel free to sign-up or to contact me directly
with any questions.
I hope the above is of interest.
Many thanks for your time.
stefan mihaela congratulation for your work…………..
wish you all the best
Bobman Chua Very nice photos you have. You still using film????
Avran Michaël Hello,
I have just explored your site and I would like to congratulate you for
very nice pictures.
I am also a photographer. You can visit my site at the following
address :
If you appreciate my female nude vision, I would like to suggest you a
I hope you enjoy my work.
Yours faithfully,
Michaël Avran
Jerome Paris Hello,
I’m a french fashion photographer and i often come in buc. I just wanted to
know if your rent your studio? And wich is the price.
Nice pictures.
Global ArtFusion Salut.
Am gasit situl din intamplare pe net si vreau in primul rand sa te felicit pentru el si sa marturisesc ca ai niste lucrari foarte tari.
In al doilea rand vreau sa iti prezint comunitatea nostra artistica online unde exista toate formele artei si unde sunt stransi multi artisti talentati care isi expun lucrarile sub forma de galerii personale.
Propunerea mea este ca si tu sa te alaturi membrilor acestei comunitati, fapt care va determina ca lucrarile tale sa fie vazute de foarte multi vizitatori ai portalului din toate colturile lumii.
Vei putea avea galeria ta personala, unde vor figura lucrarile tale deosebite alaturi de galeriile altor artisti de exceptie, ca si tine.
Acestea find spuse, te invit sa vizitezi comunitatea noastra la adresa si alatur rugamintea sa imi dai reply cu raspunsul la propunerea mea.
Multumindu-ti pentru timpul acordat, iti urez mult succes in activitatea viitoare.
Dragos Comanescu,
Roberto Palladini Hello Virgiliu,
Through I have seen and appreciated
your photographs.
I am writing to ask if you would like to exhibit your photographs in the guests’ section of the Photogallery which is part on my website I am very glad to see it is rapidly enlarging.
If you accept my proposal, which I hope you will, with you permission, I could download you images (30) from or from any other website you wish.
If you accept my proposal, you would have to communicate to me your nationality.
Best regards
Roberto Palladini
Kyla C. Hi,
Congratulation for your work! Please find attached pics of me. I see you are very busy photographer. If one day I will fit to one of yr artistic projects pls don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you
Wish you all the best!
Georgiana Enache Tin neaparat sa va felicit pentru fotografiile postate aici .
Am intrat in seara aceasta pe un forum legat de fotografie – invitat Dinu Lazar. Citind cateva dintre comentarii am accesat link-ul din mesajul dvs si deodata – lumina. Am avut parte de un spectacol extraordinar (si gratuit) ce mi-a bucurat simturile. Intr-un joc utopic de-a ”Ce vrei sa te faci cand vei fii mare?” – as raspunde acum fara ezitare – ”Colaboratoarea d-lui Narcis Virgiliu”.
Va transmit urarile mele de bine si va promit ca voi fii cu ochii pe site-urile dvs.
Andolfi Peter I am sorry about the first message that contained no feed -back. I really like your work. I love the surrealistic feel with the body parts, find that your work is quite wonderful keep up the great work. I look forward to seeing new work up soon.
Wagner Leite Caro Sr. Narciso Virgílio:
Achei muito bonitas, muito bem clicadas e muito sensuais suas fotos. O sr. é tão bom quanto o sr. Dinu Lazar, pra não dizer que fica díficil votar num ou no outro. Vocês são óti- mos! Sou do BRASIL, neto de avô romeno da Transilvânia. Entendo um pouquinho de fotografia, pois eu era opeário em fotomecânica para off-set. No BRASIL, também tem muito fotógrafo bom de clic. Sebastião Salgado, Tomás Farkas, Pedro Martinelli…
Acesse o site :, e veja a pujança da arte do Sebastião Salgado. Ele, é o nosso fotógrafo mais conhecido e premiado no exterior. Você vai gostar… Mas eu tenho o dever de te dizer que o seu trabalho é muito primoroso, original e bem construído.
Gostei muito e espero ter o prazer de sempre ver clics novos no seu site… Só mais uma coisa: as mulheres romenas são muito bonitas e se parecem muito com as brasileiras…
É a latinidade que nos faz ser próximos, não é?! Obrigado pela atenção e continue sendo o excelente profissional que você é. Até outro dia e muito suces o pra você!
Wagner Leite – Campinas,
Estado de São Paulo,
BRASIL / América do Sul.
Admin Photokonkurs Hello Narcis,
I want to invite you to participate in our photocompetition We spend already 12 competition and the winners receive money prizes.
The winners are determined by visitors of a site and jury. In our jury many known photographers, such as Curtis Knapp ( and others.
The competition starts at 1 of May and will be ended 27 of May. In May we have 9 money prize categories from 24’s. The whole sum for money prizes makes $1300.
– In SUPER BEAUTY category in May we have 2 prizes. The 1-st $100 prize will be given, as usual, in the SUPER BEAUTY category. The second winner will be choosen also by Dwayne and Leanna Bell but from ALL photos of 4 categories: GLAMOUR, EROTIC GLAMOUR, NUDE, SUPER BEAUTY. He(she) also will get $100.
– In GLAMOUR category in May will be 3 prizes – $140, $100, $60 and the winners will be choosen by our Jury.
– Prize in CHILDREN category will go to poverty child, not to the winner. We’ll publish his name of course. We hope this kind of prizes will be a good tradition of our site. The winner will get additional link leading to his site on our main page.
– Winners in NUDE and EROTIC GLAMOUR categories will be choosen by visitors voting but NUDE category in May will have an additional $100 prize and the winner will be choosen by Curtis Knapp (
– The winner in PORTRAIT category will be choosen also by Curtis Knapp.
– We also have 2 absolutely new categories: MOTHER AND CHILD (photos of mothers with children) and GOLDEN AGE (photos of old people).
Good Luck!
Best Regards,
Oleg (site co-owner and administrator)
bunty panchal
i want to seee new commericial picture and image for a western weare clothes
bunty panchal
flore flore Je me déplace dans toute la France et à l’étranger.
Je recherche à poser pour des photographes professionnels et amateurs sous certaines conditions.
Je pose pour tous les styles, sauf pour des photos à caractère vulgaire.
Vous pouvez me joindre au 0625827736.
I move in the whole France and abroad.
I search for to put for professional and amateur photographers against rémunération to agree together according to the project and under some conditions.
I put for all styles, except for photos to vulgar character.
You can join me to the +33 0625827736 and my site.
Oskar Lewis Hey,
I like your photo\’s a lot. I have put a link to them on mly site.
kind regards,
koen lewis
Natalia Tihomirova Dear NARCIS VIRGILIU
We would like to invite you to participate in the International Gathering of the Photographers „The Naked World 2006”, which will take place in July 10 – 13, 2006 on the Sea shore in Tuya (72 km from Riga, Latvia). The program involves the work with the naked models and given properties, the master-classes, the contest of photographic works. The winner will get the bronze statuette. As well as there will be special awards from the invited magazines, photo and advertising agencies. The participation cost is 190 EUR, which includes participation fee, accommodation, meals, transfer etc. The additional information you can find on the web site
Natalia Tihomirova
the project manager
+371 7212211
Marija Sandra Very beautiful sexy site!
My web site:
Florin Kiritescu superb! nu am cuvinte! am ramas pur si simplu mut! m-ai inspirat mult!
Sarubbi Leneir Ola…
Fiquei apaixonada por suas fotos…encanto
para os olhos e alma. Parabéns!!!
Bogdan Mihalcea Virgiliu, referitor la comentariul despre pretzuri, intamplator sunt foto editor la una dintre revistele romanesti si stiu ce inseamna cheltuieli de pre-productie si productie chiar daca marea majoritate a pictorialelor le facem pe parteneriate, insa situatzia aici este mult diferita fata de fotografiile de prin reviste, asa ca-mi par niste preturi foarte decente ca sa spun asa . Depinde si ce-si doreste cumparatorul, high quality sau low quality stiu lucrari care s-au vandut cu multe zeroruri in coada de zece ori mai slabe decat am vazut aici la tine pe site . In rest iti doresc multa bafta Virgiliu, poti cere si mai mult si meriti ce e mai bun !
cata eu Fotografiile sunt foarte bune, se vede ca sunt realizate cu mult profesionalism, dar pretul unei fotografii e exorbitant !!
Razvan OneProduction frate…esti f f f f f tare !!!
Stefan Buzoianu Buna ziua!
Gasind pe net linkul catre site-ul dumneavoastra am fost impresionat de calitatea site-ului si de calitatea materialului disponibil.
As dori, in limita bunavointei dumneavoastra, un schimb de linkuri cu site-ul firma specializata in realizarea de book-uri de prezentare.
Consideram ca astfel vom imparti din calitatea informatiei site-urilor noastre tuturor vizitatorilor nostri.
Cu stima,
Stefan Buzoianu
Dinescu Rodica Fotografiile sugereaza puritate si esenta ..e doar o parerea unui simplu privitor
.. iulia extraordinar ..
C. Ion Servus !
Am accesat site-ul Dvs si pot spune ca mi-au placut foarte mult fotografiile. Anul trecut am descoperit fiorul si voluptatea actului fotografic.
As dori sa pot face din arta fotografica o profesie si un mod de viata Daca veti avea nevoie de un asistent as fi incantat si onorat sa lucrez alaturi de Dvs.
Cu respect, Ion C.
Tamara Wassaf very interseting!!
saludos desde Argentina…
Pesis Hernan pardon my inglish…
truely impeccable photos… a handling of illumination excellent…
greetings from Argentinean
Natalia Rodriguez Hola, eh visto tu trabajo y me encanta, hare una reseña de tu tabrajo en mi pequeño blog.
Saludos desde Argentina.
Honar Jouyan Its very nice photo that i see .
Vlad Birdu Fara cuvinte !
As avea insa o rugaminte care este realizabila in functie de timpul dumneavoastra : take a look daca macar o poza va atrage atentia as dori sa stiu .
Multumesc !
Antochi Constantin Felicitari!!! Ai reusit sa ma faci pentru cateva minute bune sa evadez din lumea agitata ce ma inconjoara!!!
Deocamdata sunt fotograf amator.
Alexx I. Awsome stuff… !
Eric Ness Amazingly original ! Something so sadly lacking these days, best wishes!
Adrian Jugaru Pur si simplu…arta
Vener Si I think they are amasing !!
Vldek W Nicely executed, good job, as most of your works. How do you get your motivation, inspiration…. Do you work on film or digital?
Adina Suru am vazut ca este o sectiune de casting dar eu nu am masurile unui fotomodel, urita nu sunt, sunt chiar frumoasa(si modesta) cit despre lucrat impreuna … eu m-am interesat de niste cursuri de arta fotografica pe care vreau sa le urmez… poate cind o sa ajung sa ma pricep la fel de bine la fotografie ca tine o sa lucram impreuna ca fotografi nu ca subiect si fotograf( cu toate ca eu cred ca este destul de greu sa te afirmi sunt foarte multe persoane talentate)..
Brito A OUTSTANDING quality work !!!
mermelique . De trei zile sunt in extaz. V-am descoperit lucrarile si am cazut in admiratie profunda. Nu pot sa nu ma intreb, pe langa talent, cati ani de munca si experiente au fost necesari pentru a ajunge la asa rezultate.
Alexandru Lazarescu Superb. Deci se poate si in tara noastra. Tineti-o tot asa.
Ana Panduru Sunt cosmeticiana pasionata de machiaj si de fotografie. Machiajul il realizez cu usurinta, dar fotografii atat de bune nu as reusi sa fac.
Indraznesc totusi, sa sper la o colaborare cu dumneavoastra. Daca doriti o mana de lucru in plus pentru machiaj, va stau la dispozicie cu produse si manopera.
Va urez mult succes in continuare!
Dumi Viorel Sunt placut impresionat de acuratetea ideii vis-a-vis de puritatea sexului frumos redadata prin ajutorul artisticului specific autorului, precum si imaginatiei care confera inca o data ideea formelor dinamice in clar obscur.
Simion Artur Buna. Ma numesc Simion Artur sunt din Arad, am vazut lucrarile dumneavoastra pe site si sunt foarte bune, imi plac foarte mult cele alb-negru, contrastul care il au. Imi plac si cele color, cele care le-ati facut pentru calendar si cu care ati participat in 2004 la concursu’ de la playboy. Admir ca lucrati si pe pelicula . imi place modul unic de concepere a cadrelor si echilibru foarte placut dar si totodata impunator si bine definit de propriul stil care il aveti in imagine. Cosider ca dintre fotografii romini pe care ii stiu si carora le-am vazut lucrarile, dvs sunteti un om creativ, liber in imagine si in exprimare artistica.
As dori sa imi raspundeti la niste intrebari daca se poate…
1. Lucrati pe diapozitiv …? si ce marca ?
2. As dorii sa imi spuneti cum se procedeaza dupa expunerea si developarea filmului la trecere in reclama, mai precis a printului.
3. La fotografierea pe diapozitivul pe care lucrati folositi ceva filtre ? sau ramane expus filmul doar la simpla lumina a blitzurilor ..
Va multumesc si cu mult respect si sanatate Simion Artur.
Lazar Marin Ionut Narcis,iti amintesti de mine ? Tu mi-ai facut primu’ book cand am venit la Bucuresti,acu’ vreo 2 ani…acum lucrez la Milano,ca manechin,de unde iti transmit ganduri bune. Ionut
Karoline Kabakuala Hi, I like your works and I want to work whith you !
Bragarenco Valeria Hello! I’d liked your photo style. Beutiful, expressive and tender photos! Will you go to Moldova? Our girls are very-very beautiful and attractive! =)
Laurentiu Iordache Felicitari, pt munca ,pasiunea si dedicarea in tot \”frumosul\” adaugat artei;felicitari!
Angelica B It\’s one of the most beautiful photo collection I\’ve ever seen!Conglatulations,good luck and stay \”the best\”!
Marcelo Alberto Una imagen impactante.
Unmovimiento dinamico y sensual.
Very beauty
Catalin Popescu Exceptional, BW-urile cu iluminari extreme sunt foarte expresive. keep up!
Chirita Irina Salut!M-ar interesa un Book profesional si as vrea sa stiu cat costa si daca pretul include si machiaj,haine,coafura,etc ? Mersi !
Boukje Kleinhaut Hi!!
Check out my new site and pictures!
All comments are more than welcome.
Thank you,
Boukje k.
Date un’ occhiata al mio sito nuovo!
Qualsiasi commento e ben accetto.
Boukje k.
Joe Heim Anytime you can take time away from a busy schedule to look at something and appreciate it… to me it has substance and merits a \”well done!\” . JLH
Thierry Aguiar Hi Virgil,
I saw your portfolio at and then went to your website.
I’m fan of your work!
It’s original, imaginative, end so on
Bets regards,
Thierry Aguiar
Dj Moxy Super marpha sit-ul,tineti-o tot asa ca aveti de ce sa continuati. La urma urmei se cunoaste cine e profesionist si cine nu, mai bine spus se cunoaste cine are bun-gust si cine nu are!
Merci foarte mult
Cristina I Fotografiile sunt foarte dragute, cam asta poate sa spuna o persoana fara experienta ca mine. Mi-ar placea si mie sa pozez, dar pana acum nu am avut ocazia, dar: sunt cateva fotografii aici care imi plac asa de mult incat mi le-am salvat. Problema ar fi ca sunt prea micute, ori ca sa le pot salva ca wallpaper…nu se intelege nimic din ele si e pacat. Ce zici de o rezolutie mai mare?
P.S.: desi sunt fata, iti spun ca mi-au placut mult de tot pozele cu fete. Dar numai pozele.
Joan Merino REccommended by a Romanian dear friend, Anamaria Domsa, your web site is fantastic: simple, but beautiful. Concratulations and cheers from Switzerland!
Danna Oana Your photos are great with lot of imagination!!
i would like to send you some photos made by my boyfriend and me, and i would like your opinion as an artist,photographer and professionist.
regards, danna
Clau Clau Imi plac foarte mult fotografiile dumneavoastra.Redau personalitatea modelelor, sau uneori doar o idee.Cele cu flori sunt iarasi superbe.Ma intreb eu cum as arata intr-o poza facuta de dvs.Aveti talentul de a scoate ce-i mai bun din modele.Uneori chiar laturi ale caracterului lor pe care nici ele nu le cunosc.Asta-i tot farmecul intr-o fotografie. Sa citesti printre pixeli.
Sergi Bisquert I like the idea to include the sphere into the pictures. Where did you find it? The photos are excellent.
I would like to adquire a sphere like this. Could U help me?
Pop Mihai Este prima oara cand intru pe aceasta adresa, ce pot sa zic…inca nu am vazut decat o mica parte din ea dar fotografiile sunt superbe…as dori sa mai discut cu Dvs. voi scrie inca un mesaj pe personala dupa ce o sa vad mai mult din ea !
Radu E Fotografiile sunt excelente. Imi place si site-ul.. structurarea, modul in care apar listate thumb-urile, simplitatea… nu-mi doresc decat sa apara mai multe fotografii pe acest site :).
Fotografiile Ianuarie-Decembrie se constituie cumva intr-un calendar?.. as ti interesat de achizitia acestuia.
Cosmin L Excelent site. Am imprumutat o poza si am pus-o ca wallpaper pe monitorul calculatorului meu. Sper ca n-am comis vreo nelegiuire. Multumesc.
Turcu Diana Am ramas foarte impresionata… Cu adevarat, fotografia alb-negru pare o arta in sine, desprinsa de lumea plina de culoare in care traim.
Gasesc fotografiile deosebit de inspiratoare.
Catalin Eremia “imi place mult\”…e putin spus…!esti tare.
nu stiu ce vreau sa-ti mai spun acum,doar ma gandesc cum pot sa fur putin din experienta ta.ti-am mai scris un e-mail anul trecut cand ti-am spus ca am luat locul 2 la nud artistic la playboy si mi-ai raspuns int-un fel la care nu ma asteptam(adica foarte amabil).nu am mai inalnit un fotograf de talia ta care sa comunice asa cu un alt fotograf ce-i drept cu mai putina vrut sa-ti scriu mai de mult timp dar am amanat tot de atatea ori pentru ca nu stiam cu ce sa sunt din pitesti,am avut ceva rezultate in domeniul fotografiei(asa zice lumea)dar necazul e ca nu prea am de unde sa ma informez asa cum imi doresc gandeam sa fac niste cursuri de fotografie prin italia..tu ce ma sfatuiesti?as vrea sa te cunosc si sa stam de vorba ,daca vrei bineinteles si poate ma ajuti cumva sa-mi indeplinesc dorinta de a cunoaste mai multe din tainele fotografiei de studio,o pasiune dusa la extrem .am si un site care nu este actualizat de ceva timp dar cred ca poti sa-ti arunci o privire ca sa-ti dai seama cine multumesc anticipat!
catalin eremia
Moonlight ….. elegant dance of light and shadow.. vibrant sensuality.. mistery..