Buy Prints by Narcis Virgiliu
If you get at this page, means that you want to buy fine art printings signed by Narcis Virgiliu.
My purpose is to sell large format prints from my best images. I choose to use the best quality of printing technology in the world, the traditional silver halide process, on Durst Lambda, which has the following features:
– extreme details even in high or low key
– no printing dots. The technology uses a continuous tone printing, there is not raster (printing dots), no banding. The printing result is equal to an apparent resolution of 4000 dpi and achieves an image quality which is superior to all large format printers – photographic, inkjet and electrostatic)
– depending of storage condition it lasts up to 200 years (for archive storage condition) or up to 100 years (for museum storage condition)
You can buy any of my pictures from the following galleries: ”Fine Art Nudes”, “Bizarre Still Life”, “God’s View”, “Moments of Truth”, “Landscape” and “Tribal Smoke” or from any gallery where you find the “buy printings” button, sending an e-mail with pictures’ title at:
I use for printing the following materials:
– matte paper, which has a very low reflexions, natural printing colors, excellent for uncontrolled light environment;
– glossy paper, for shiny images or bright and saturated colors;
– metallic paper, for very bright and very saturated colors, or metallic hues (excellent for gold, silver or other metallic surfaces);
– duratrans (translucent film), very high density of black and saturated color, used for light boxes.”
Print Size | Paper | Fine Art Edition | Price |
(12″x 12″) 30×30 cm |
Light exposed matt, glossy and mettalic photographic paper from high resolution with true continuous tone DURST LAMBDA ©, resulting an apparent resolution of 4000 DPI. | Open edition | EURO 225 for print |
(23″x 23″) 60×60 cm |
Light exposed matt, glossy and mettalic photographic paper from high resolution with true continuous tone DURST LAMBDA ©, resulting an apparent resolution of 4000 DPI. | Open edition | EURO 270 for print |
(40″x 40″) 100×100 cm |
Light exposed matt, glossy and mettalic photographic paper from high resolution with true continuous tone DURST LAMBDA ©, resulting an apparent resolution of 4000 DPI. | Edition of 30 | EURO 450 for print |
(50”x 50”) 127×127 cm | Light exposed matt, glossy and mettalic photographic paper from high resolution with true continuous tone DURST LAMBDA ©, resulting an apparent resolution of 4000 DPI. | Edition of 20 | EURO 640 for print |
(78″x 78″) 200×200 cm | Light exposed matt, glossy and mettalic photographic paper from high resolution with true continuous tone DURST LAMBDA ©, resulting an apparent resolution of 4000 DPI. | Edition of 10 | EURO 760 for print |
Attention: the pictures are sold only for decorative usage at the preset sizes from the list, if you wish to buy on commercial purpose or intermediary sizes you have to specify in the e-mail.
Attention: the pictures are not framed, the price including only the print. All printings are signed Narcis Virgiliu,in the right lower corner and stamped on verso.
The delivery time is between 3 and 7 days everywhere inside Romania and between 2 and 5 weeks for other countries.
If you wish faster shipping please specify into your e-mail.